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Frequently Asked Questions
WHAT IS LINCOLNSHIRE FIELDS HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (LFHA)?LFHA was created when Lincolnshire Fields was first developed. The purpose of the Association is to protect and improve the amenities and appearance of Lincolnshire Fields.
HOW IS THE ASSOCIATION MANAGED?LFHA has a Board of Directors composed of not fewer than seven homeowners. Directors are elected by Association members at the Annual Meeting each May. Directors serve three-year terms. The Board has four officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Officers are elected annually by members of the Board.
WHAT DOES THE BOARD DO?The Board is charged with ensuring that all homeowners in Lincolnshire Fields abide by the covenants of their subdivision. Additionally, the Board develops improvements to the area in order to enhance the subdivision. The Board is also responsible for oversight of two commons areas located east of I-57. Dues are collected annually from owners of every lot in Lincolnshire Fields to fund operation of the Association.
WHAT ARE THE DUES USED FOR?The Association provides insurance coverage and maintenance for the two commons areas, pays for electrical power to ten streetlights at entrances to the subdivision, reimburses Champaign Township for spring and fall yard waste pick up, and funds projects approved by the Board.
AM I REQUIRED TO PAY THE DUES?Owners of all properties are required by covenant to pay dues on each lot they own. Dues amounts are determined annually by the Board but may not exceed $50 per year.
WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T PAY MY DUES?Annual dues notices are mailed with the Fall Newsletter and are due by October 31. Homeowners who have not paid by October 31 are mailed a reminder letter and charged an additional $10 late fee. In January a final reminder is sent by certified mail advising homeowners that the covenants require the Board to file a lien against their property for collection of the dues. Once a lien is filed, delinquent homeowners are charged $160 for dues, late fee, mailing costs, and county charges for filing the lien. Liens must be cleared before property can be sold. At this time, the county charges $53 to clear a lien and all charges to the Association must be paid.
I PLAN TO SELL MY HOUSE AND HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT I NEED DOCUMENTATION THAT MY DUES HAVE BEEN PAID. HOW DO I GET THAT?You or your agent should contact the Board Treasurer at least two weeks in advance of closing to obtain a letter stating that your dues payments are up to date.
HOW DOES LFHA COMMUNICATE WITH HOMEOWNERS?The Board mails newsletters in the spring and fall to all property owners. Additionally, the Board maintains an email list of those homeowners who have supplied their email address and sends occasional news and updates to everyone on that list. You will find links on this website to add your name to that list.
I WANT TO MAKE CHANGES TO MY PROPERTY. MUST I RECEIVE APPROVAL TO DO SO?The covenants establish an Architecture Committee which is charged with protecting the appearance of the subdivision and assuring that the covenants are followed regarding the placement of buildings and fences. If you are planning modifications to your home and/or lot that will change the external appearance of your property you should use the “Contact Us” link on this website to reach the President of LFHA who will refer your question to the Chair of the Architectural Control Committee if necessary.
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